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Categories: Sports Slang

Chaser: a term used in slang to refer to a person who follows someone or something.

A chaser is someone who actively pursues or follows another person or thing. It can refer to individuals who are persistent in their pursuit of a romantic interest or someone who constantly seeks attention or approval from others. The term can also be used in a wider sense to describe anyone who is highly dedicated or committed to achieving a particular goal or objective.

Example 1:
Person A: “Why does Emily always text him even though he never responds?”
Person B: “Oh, shes a chaser. She’s really into him and won’t give up easily.”

Example 2:
Person A: “Why is Tom always trying to impress everyone at work?”
Person B: “He’s a chaser, always seeking validation and recognition from others.”

search, seeker, pursuer, follower
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