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Categories: Street Slang

Chalking is slang for marking or writing on a surface, usually public property, often with chalk or a similar substance. It is commonly used in the context of graffiti, political messages, or advertising.

Chalking involves creating markings or drawings on surfaces using chalk or a similar medium. It is often done in a way that is visible to the public and can serve various purposes such as conveying messages, expressing political opinions, or promoting products or events. Chalking is considered a temporary form of graffiti as it can wash away over time or be easily removed.

Example 1: “The protesters took to the streets and began chalking slogans on walls to raise awareness about their cause.”

Example 2: “Local businesses often engage in chalking, writing promotional messages on sidewalks to attract customers to their stores.”

chalkboard, chalker, chaky, chalkingitup, chalkchallenge
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