Chain Text


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Categories: Internet Slang

Chain text refers to a type of message that is sent from one person to another, usually through text messaging or social media platforms. These messages often instruct the recipient to forward the text to a certain number of people or face consequences. They are commonly used for fun or to create a sense of urgency or superstition.

Chain texts are messages that are passed on from one person to another, typically through text or social media. They often contain a request to forward the message to a specific number of people or face some kind of consequence, such as bad luck or missed opportunities. These texts are often used as a way to engage with friends or acquaintances and can be seen as a form of social interaction or entertainment.

Example 1: “I just received a chain text that says I need to forward it to 10 people within the next hour or else I’ll have seven years of bad luck. I’ll send it to you, just to be safe!”

Example 2: “My cousin sent me a chain text that claims if I don’t forward it to at least three people, I’ll miss out on a huge opportunity. I don’t really believe in these things, but I’ll send it to a few friends just for fun.”

ChainTxt, ForwardTxt, TextChain, TextForward, TxtLoop, TxtCirc, TxtCircle, LoopTxt, ChainMessage, MessageChain, TxtTrain, TrainTxt
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