Ceiling Eyes


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Categories: Internet Slang

Ceiling Eyes is a slang term used to describe someone who looks upwards frequently or has a tendency to avoid eye contact.

Ceiling Eyes is typically used to describe individuals who appear distracted, disengaged, or uninterested in a conversation or social interaction. It is believed that these individuals may be daydreaming, lost in their thoughts, or deliberately avoiding eye contact to avoid confrontation or unwanted conversations.

Example 1: “During the meeting, John had his ceiling eyes on the entire time, it’s like he wasn’t even paying attention to what was being discussed.”

Example 2: “I tried to have a conversation with Sara, but she had her ceiling eyes on the entire time, making it difficult to tell if she was actually interested in what I was saying.”

googlyeyes, rollieeyes, derpeyes, uppeyes, eyeup
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