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Categories: Internet Slang

Cayate is a slang term used in Spanish, specifically in Latin America, to tell someone to be quiet or stop talking. It is a casual way to ask someone to be quiet or stop speaking.

Cayate is derived from the Spanish word “cállate,” which means “shut up.” It is an informal and direct way to ask someone to stop talking, often used among friends or in relaxed social settings. The word is commonly used in Latin American countries, such as Mexico, Argentina, and Colombia, but its usage may vary slightly in different regions.

Example 1: “¡Cayate, por favor! Estoy tratando de concentrarme en mi trabajo.” (Be quiet, please! Im trying to concentrate on my work.)

Example 2: “Le dije al niño que se cayara, pero sigue hablando sin parar.” (I told the child to be quiet, but he keeps on talking nonstop.)

Sorry, but I'm unable to generate synonyms for the term "Cayate" as it doesn't appear to be a commonly used internet slang term or abbreviation.
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