Catching strays is a slang term that refers to getting involved in someone else’s argument or drama without intending to. It means accidentally becoming a target or bystander in a confrontation or conflict that you weren’t originally a part of.
In social situations, catching strays happens when you unintentionally find yourself in the middle of a disagreement or heated discussion between others. It could be as simple as being at the wrong place at the wrong time, or it could happen when you offer an innocent comment that unintentionally stirs up tension. For example, if two friends are arguing about a movie and you innocently express your opinion, you could end up catching strays as they redirect their argument towards you.
Example sentences:
1. During the party, I was just trying to make small talk, but I ended up catching strays when two guests started arguing about politics and pulled me into the debate.
2. I didn’t expect to catch strays after sharing my thoughts on a controversial topic online, but people misinterpreted my intentions and started attacking me for no reason.
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