Call The Ball


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Categories: Sports Slang

Call the ballis slang used in various contexts to mean taking responsibility or making a decision. It originated in naval aviation and is commonly used in sports and military settings.

In naval aviation, “call the ball” refers to a pilots announcement of their intention to land on an aircraft carrier. It signifies that the pilot is taking control of the landing process. The term has since been adopted in other domains to express a similar idea of owning a decision or action.

Example 1: In a soccer game, the captain of the team gathers the players and says, “Alright, it’s time to call the ball. We need to focus and decide on our strategy for the second half.”

Example 2: During a team meeting, the manager turns to the group and says, “We’ve analyzed the options long enough. It’s time to call the ball and move forward with the plan that best suits our goals.”

CTB, Hey Thar, Callit, Spot It, See It, Identify
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