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Categories: Street Slang

Bubs is a slang term that is commonly used to refer to babies or young children. It is a shortened form of the wordbabyand is often used in a cutesy or affectionate manner.

Bubs is a casual and endearing way to describe infants or toddlers. It is often used among family members, close friends, or in informal settings to convey a sense of warmth and fondness. The term creates a more intimate and playful atmosphere when speaking about young children.

Example 1:
Hey, did you see the adorable picture of my bubs? Shes learning to crawl!”

Example 2:
I had to babysit my sister’s bubs last night. They kept me on my toes, but they were so much fun!”

bubblegum, baloney, balderdash, bosh, bunk, hokum, malarkey
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