Bouta, slang for “going to,” is a shortened version of the phrase “about to.” It is commonly used in informal speech and text messages to express imminent or future actions.
Bouta is often used to indicate an upcoming event or action that is about to take place. It is a colloquial way of expressing intent or near-future plans. For example, “I’m bouta leave the house” means “I am about to leave the house.”
Here are two practical examples illustrating the use of the term bouta:
1. “Bouta grab some food, you want anything?” – This sentence implies that the speaker is about to go get food and is asking if the listener wants anything before they leave.
2. “I’m bouta call you, hold on a sec.” – In this example, the speaker is expressing their intention to call the person shortly and asks them to wait for a moment.
Overall, bouta is a slang term that is commonly used to convey imminent or future actions in a casual and informal manner.
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