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Categories: Street Slang

Boofing is slang for the act of ingesting drugs or alcohol by inserting them rectally. This method is believed to enhance the effects of the substances due to the high absorption rate and bypassing the digestive system.

Boofing, also known as plugging, involves using a syringe or other devices to administer drugs or alcohol into the rectum. The rectal mucous membrane allows for quick absorption of the substances into the bloodstream. This method is considered an alternative route of administration and is typically used when oral or nasal intake is not desired or feasible. However, it is important to note that boofing can pose health risks, including damage to the rectal tissues and increased risk of infection.

Example 1: “Some people believe that boofing cocaine provides a more intense high than snorting it.”

Example 2: “He decided to boof the liquid MDMA instead of drinking it to avoid the bitter taste.”

bootin, timewasting, goofing, clowning, playing, joking, fooling, trolling, messing
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