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Categories: Internet Slang

Bloxed is a slang term that refers to the act of being blocked or prevented from accessing or engaging with someone or something on social media platforms, usually by the person themselves or the platforms privacy settings.

When someone is “bloxed,” it means they have been deliberately restricted from interacting with a particular user or content. This can happen for various reasons, such as disagreements, offensive behavior, or simply wanting to maintain privacy. Being bloxed effectively cuts off any form of communication or interaction between the two parties.

Example 1:
Person A: “Why can’t I comment on their posts anymore? Did they delete me?”
Person B: “No, you’ve been bloxed. They probably didn’t appreciate your constant criticism.”

Example 2:
Person A: “I can’t seem to send them a direct message on Instagram. Did they change their settings?”
Person B: “No, they’ve bloxed you. They didn’t want you to reach out to them anymore after that argument.”

blocked, restricted, banned, censored, inhibited
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