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Categories: Internet Slang

Biteis slang that refers to plagiarism or copying someone elses work without permission or giving credit. It can be used to describe someone stealing someone else’s ideas, texts, or creative work without proper attribution.

This slang term is commonly used in academic settings or creative industries, where originality is highly valued. It implies that the person who copied the work is taking credit for someone else’s efforts or ideas, which is considered unethical and dishonest.

Example 1:
I can’t believe John submitted the same essay as me. He totally bit my work!”
Explanation: John copied and submitted the same essay as the speaker, without giving any credit or acknowledging that it was not his original work. The speaker feels frustrated and accuses John of plagiarism.

Example 2:
“The new song by that artist sounds so familiar. It really bites from an older hit.
Explanation: The speaker suggests that the new song by the artist borrows heavily from an older hit, indicating that it lacks originality and is essentially a copy of the previous work.

nibble, snack, chomp
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