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Categories: Social Slang

A bigot is a slang term used to describe a person who holds strong, intolerant, and prejudiced views about a particular group of people based on their race, religion, nationality, or other characteristics. This term is often used to refer to individuals who display close-mindedness, discrimination, and hostility towards those who differ from them.

In its essence, a bigot is someone who refuses to consider or accept different opinions, beliefs, or lifestyles that do not align with their own. This term is typically associated with individuals who exhibit extreme bias and exhibit hatred towards others, often based on ignorance and stereotypes.

1. Johns racist comments and refusal to interact with people from different ethnic backgrounds show that he is a bigot.
2. Emily’s homophobic remarks and her unwillingness to accept the rights of the LGBTQ+ community demonstrate her bigoted mindset.

racist, prejudiced, intolerant, narrow-minded
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