Big Cheese


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Categories: Workplace Slang

Abig cheeseis a slang term that refers to a person who has a lot of importance, power, or influence in a particular field or organization.

In more detail, a “big cheese” is someone who holds a high-ranking position and is highly respected or influential. This term is often used to describe individuals who have achieved a level of success or prestige in their domain and are considered to be at the top of their game. The term can also be used ironically or sarcastically to refer to someone who thinks they are more important than they actually are.

Example 1: Despite being a young entrepreneur, Emily has become a big cheese in the tech industry due to her innovative ideas and successful startups.

Example 2: John may act like a big cheese around the office, but his colleagues know that his authority and decision-making skills are lacking.

boss, leader, head honcho, top dog, chief, top brass, kingpin, high muckety-muck, head cheese, main man
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