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Categories: Street Slang

Bail is a slang term that means to leave or exit a situation abruptly or to abandon someone or something. It can also refer to posting bail to get someone out of jail.

In a more in-depth explanation, bail is commonly used when someone wants to express the act of leaving a place or situation quickly and suddenly without warning or without any intention to return. It can also be used to describe someone ditching or abandoning someone or something without giving any notice or explanation. Additionally, in the context of legal matters, bail refers to the act of posting money or property as a guarantee to secure the release of someone who has been arrested or detained.


1. “This party is getting boring, I think I’m going to bail and find something more exciting to do.”
2. “I can’t believe she bailed on me when I needed her the most. I thought I could count on her.”

bail, jet, rescue, escape, split, peace-out, skedaddle, peel-out, scoot, split-up, vamoose
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