Slang Term: “FOMO”
Concise Explanation: FOMO stands for “fear of missing out” and refers to the anxiety or unease that one feels when they believe others are experiencing something exciting or interesting without them.
In-Depth Explanation: FOMO is a popular slang term used to describe the feeling of being left out or excluded from an enjoyable event or experience. It often stems from seeing others on social media or hearing about their activities, leading to a fear that they are missing out on something fun or worthwhile. FOMO can create a sense of pressure to participate in activities or events, even if one might not necessarily be interested.
Example 1: “I really wanted to go to that party, but I had to work. Now everyone’s posting pictures and I’m feeling major FOMO.”
Example 2: “My friends are going to a concert this weekend, and I can’t go. I hate having FOMO, it always makes me feel so left out.”
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