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Categories: Internet Slang

The slang termawhis an expression often used to convey a variety of emotions, such as sympathy, affection, endearment, or admiration. It is typically used to express a warm and tender sentiment towards someone or something.

“Awh” is an exclamation that is commonly used to express feelings of empathy, love, or adoration. It can be used as a response to someone’s sad or unfortunate situation, expressing sympathy or understanding. Additionally, it can also be used as an expression of fondness or cuteness, often in response to something adorable or heartwarming.

1. “Awh, Im really sorry to hear about your loss. Sending you lots of love and hugs.”
2. “Look at that puppy playing with the baby! Awh, they are just too cute together!”

Note: The term “awh” is also commonly used as an alternative spelling of “awww,” which has a similar meaning and usage.

adorb, cute, sweet, lovely, precious, charming, endearing, darling
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