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Avocado is a slang term used to refer to someone who is considered to be soft, weak, or lacking in toughness. It is often used as an insult to mock or belittle someone’s perceived lack of strength or resilience.

The term avocado originates from the perception that avocados have a soft and easily bruised exterior, implying that the person being referred to is fragile or delicate. It is commonly used in informal settings or online discussions to criticize someone’s lack of toughness or to mock their perceived weakness.

Example 1:
Person A: “I can’t believe he cried during that movie, what an avocado.”
Person B: “Yeah, he’s so sensitive, definitely lacks any toughness.”

Example 2:
Person A: “I don’t understand why she’s so afraid of spiders, it’s just a little bug.”
Person B: “She’s such an avocado, can’t handle anything remotely scary.”

guac, avo
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