Goochie means good or cool. Examples: That new album is so goochie, I’ve been listening to it non-stop. We should hit up that new restaurant, I heard the food there is goochie.
Skirt-skirt: moving quickly or abruptly, like a car swerving in and out of traffic. Examples: She skirt-skirted through the crowded concert to get to the front row. The basketball player skirt-skirted past his defender for an easy layup.
Shamoo means someone who constantly breaks the rules or goes against what is expected. Examples: She always shows up late to meetings, she’s such a shamoo. Stop acting like a shamoo and follow the instructions!
Scunion: a derogatory term used to describe something unpleasant or disgusting. Example 1: I can’t believe he’s wearing those scunion shoes to the party. Example 2: The food at that restaurant was straight up scunion, I’m never going back there again.
bet bet
Bet bet means “okay” or “agreed.” It is used to confirm something or show acceptance. Examples: Person 1: Want to meet up for lunch tomorrow? Person 2: Bet bet, see you at 12. Person 1: I’ll pick you up at 8 for the concert. Person 2: Bet bet, I’ll be ready.
Scrut means ignore or disregard. 1. I’m just going to scrut his rude comments and focus on the positive feedback. 2. Don’t let haters bring you down, just scrut their negativity and keep doing your thing.
Gentleman Gambler
Gentleman Gambler: Someone who bets or takes risks in a classy or refined manner. Examples: He may be a gentleman gambler, always dressed in a suit and never raising his voice at the casino. She was known as the district’s gentleman gambler, always seen at high society events placing bets with a smile.
A slang term used to express excitement or enthusiasm. Examples: I just found out that my favorite band is coming to town! Shoit, I need to get tickets ASAP! Shoit, I aced my final exam! Time to celebrate!
On-lock means to have complete control or authority over something. Examples: She has the on-lock when it comes to organizing events. The coach has the team’s playbook on-lock.
A pumbler is someone who talks a lot, but doesn’t actually have any substance or value in what they are saying. They may be full of empty promises or pointless chatter. Examples: He’s such a pumbler, always bragging about his skills but never actually delivering. Don’t listen to her, she’s just a pumbler trying to…