Tooltip Categories: Sports Slang

  • No bet .jpg

    No bet

    “No bet” is a slang term used to indicate agreement or confirmation to a statement or proposition. It essentially means “I understand and agree” or “sounds good to me.” Examples: Person 1: “Want to grab some pizza later?” Person 2: “No bet, I’m down for some pizza.” Person 1: “I’ll meet you at the park…


  • Lock in

    Lock in

    Lock in means that something is confirmed or definite. 1. Are we still on for dinner tomorrow night? If so, lock in the details and I’ll see you then. 2. The meeting is locked in for 2 pm, so make sure you’re there on time.


  • Shersey


    Shersey is a blend of the words shirt and jersey, used to refer to a sports shirt or jersey. Examples: I bought a new shersey to support my favorite basketball team. She wore a shersey with his favorite player’s name on the back to the game.


  • gainz .jpg


    Gainz means making progress or improvements in terms of physical strength, muscle mass, or fitness. Examples: After months of hard work at the gym, I finally saw some gainz in my arms and chest. She’s been focusing on her diet and workout routine, and the gainz are starting to show in her abs.


  • narley .jpg


    Narley is a slang term used to describe something that is impressive, cool, or awesome. Examples: That kickflip he just landed was narley! The concert last night was so narley, I can’t wait to see them live again.


  • Degen .jpg


    Degen is short for “degenerate” and is used to describe someone who engages in reckless or inappropriate behavior. Examples: 1. My friend is such a degen, he was up all night gambling online and lost all his savings. 2. I can’t believe he said that in the group chat, he’s such a degen sometimes.


  • Bases .jpg


    Bases: Refers to the stages of physical intimacy in a relationship. 1. First base: Kissing or making out. 2. Second base: Touching or feeling each other in an intimate way. 3. Third base: Going further than just touching, but not having sex. 4. Home run: Having sex. Example 1: “I heard they finally made it…


  • Pro Club


    Pro-Club means someone who is a professional at something or excels at a particular task or skill. Examples: She’s definitely a pro-club when it comes to baking. Her cakes are always perfect! He’s a pro-club at playing video games. He always wins every match he plays.


  • The Ball .jpg

    The 8 Ball

    The 8 Ball is a term used to refer to someone who is always reliable or trustworthy. It can also mean someone who knows a lot of information or has connections. Examples: 1. I always go to Sarah when I need advice on relationships, she’s like my 8 Ball. 2. Tom is the 8 Ball…


  • the bases

    the bases

    The bases refer to metaphorical stages in a romantic or physical relationship. Examples: 1. He told me they only got to first base on their date last night. 2. We’ve been dating for a while now, but we haven’t hit any of the bases yet.
